Articles contributed to or published by Dr Jasmine Hearn related to endometriosis during the 9 month timeline of the Making the Invisible Visible project. Hearn's wider research and prior experience in this area of women's health informed the approach undertaken in the design and development of the Making the Invisible, Visible - Endometriosis toolkit.
Jan 2024: The Guardian / Observer Endometriosis ‘Gaslit by doctors’: UK women with endometriosis told it is ‘all in their head’
Jan 2024: The Independent ‘It’s just period pain’: Why doctors are gaslighting women over endometriosis
Jan 2024: Personnel Today 'Women told endometriosis symptoms ‘all in their head’
Jan 2024: The Conversation Endometriosis takes almost a decade to be diagnosed in the UK — our research has revealed some of the reasons why
Jan 2024: Women's Health ‘Women's pain is readily dismissed. It's no wonder a lot of us are exploring alternative health’
Jan 2024: Women’s Health Women with endometriosis are being ‘medically gaslit’
Feb 2024: iNews Endometriosis causes me constant pain so at 36 I’m paying £9k to have my womb removed
Feb 2024: The Times Could a patient passport have prevented my 20 years in agony?
March 2024: Arc Centre website Exhibition: Making Endometriosis Visible
Feb 2024: Journal of Health Communication - A COM-B and Theoretical Domains Framework Mapping of the Barriers and Facilitators to Effective Communication and Help-Seeking Among People With, or Seeking a Diagnosis Of, Endometriosis.
Mar 2024: British Journal of Health Psychology - Visual reconstructions of endometriosis pain: An interdisciplinary visual methodology for illness representation.
Previously published research that underpinned this project:
2021: British Journal of Health Psychology - Parallel worlds and personified pain: A mixed-methods analysis of pain metaphor use by women with endometriosis.